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Episode 3: Long Live the Lich

Long Live the Lich is the third episode of Living World Season 4 that was released on 26 June 2018.

Map: Domain of Kourna

Important Note

You have a 2 week window to log in from the time of release of each episode, for that particular episode to be free. If you miss this window, you will have to pay 200 gems to unlock it.

GW2 Living World Season 4
Guild Wars 2 - Daybreak - 01 Eye of the Brandstorm

Guild Wars 2 - Daybreak - 01 Eye of the Brandstorm

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Guild Wars 2 - Amnoon Evacuation (Eye of the Brandstorm achievement)

Guild Wars 2 - Amnoon Evacuation (Eye of the Brandstorm achievement)

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Guild Wars 2 - Qais Closed (Eye of the Brandstorm hidden achievement)

Guild Wars 2 - Qais Closed (Eye of the Brandstorm hidden achievement)

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Guild Wars 2 - Daybreak - 02 Under the Stars

Guild Wars 2 - Daybreak - 02 Under the Stars

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Long Live the Lich chapters

The following are storylines and story achievements released in this episode:

  1. Seized (Story)
    - Loquacious Orator
    - Squish, Squish
    - Stay Asleep, Sheep

  2. Forearmed Is Forewarned (Story)
    - Decimation
    - Glory Hog
    - Silent But Deadly
    - Trip the Quantum Fantastic

  3. Tactical Triage (Story)
    - Shipwrecked
    - Guns, Germs, and Steal
    - A New Ally

  4. I'm Brave, You Know (Story)

  5. Be My Guest (Story)
    - Captive Audience
    - Dexterous and Flexible
    - Whistling in the Dark

Loquacious Orator (1AP)

Hear all the arguments during the trial.

  • To get all possible arguments, you will have to do this instance 4 times. First pick all the diplomatic responses, then all the angry ones. The third and fourth run is a mix.

  • G = Golden Crown icon, R = Red Fist icon

  • First run - (G, G, G)

    • Ask to speak - If it please the court, I'll speak.

    • Find an error in the court's process - Your Honor, did you have Gorrik examined?

    • Ask for proof - So you admit you have no medical proof that he's infected or contagious.

  • Second run - (R, R, R)

    • Defend your friend's honor - This ​"creature" is an associate of mine.

    • Explain the circumstances - Your Honor, Gorrik is working to PREVENT an outbreak.

    • Tell the truth - It's the Scarab Plague.

  • Third run - (G, G, R)

    • Ask to speak - If it please the court, I'll speak

    • Find an error in the court's process - Your Honor, did you have Gorrik examined?

    • Call out racial bias - "Look at him"? What's that supposed to mean?

  • Fourth run - (R, R, G)

    • Defend your friend's honor - This ​"creature" is an associate of mine.

    • Explain the circumstances - Your Honor, Gorrik is working to PREVENT an outbreak.

    • ​Ask for the councilor's trust - I can't say any more, Your Honor.

Squish, Squish (1AP)

Kill all the scarabs in 30 seconds or less.

After the hearing, you will have to go to the beach and stomp on some scarabs. Just run over all of them with a mount asap! Can only be done on the 2nd run onwards.

Stay Asleep, Sheep (3AP)

Keep Istari the Inexorable from Awakening your allies.

After the hearing, you will have to go to the beach and fight Istari the Inexorable. Get Istari's HP down to 50% ASAP. Otherwise, he will begin to awaken your allies. When he does this, a breakbar appears. CC him quickly & continue to take his HP down to 50%! 
Can only be done on the 2nd run onwards.

Decimation (1AP)

Kill 6 Awakened with a single bomb blast.

After talking to Canach and picking up the bombs, follow Canach around the map. He has good aim and will most likely hit 6 Awakened with one bomb throw!

Silent But Deadly (3AP)

Never raise suspicion to the point that champions are deployed against you.

Basically stay stealthed as much as you can, silence mobs that yell out for help and avoid making loud noises or attracting big groups of Awakened. If you are successful, you get this achievement when you return to the portal to assemble your army.


Glory Hog (1AP)

Plant seeds at all the locations before Canach has a chance to help.

There are 4 spots on the map where the seeds need to be planted. He will only go to #1 and #2. 

Get to them before Canach does. Then do #3 and #4 to complete the achievement.

Trip the Quantum Fantastic (1AP)

Disorient 25 Awakened with the Quantum Mass Displacement Matrix.

To disorient the Awakened, spam skill 4 near them quickly. You can try to round them up and spam skill 4 in the group to disorient more than 1 Awakened at a time.

In this chapter, you will need to go to 3 different parts of the map (SW, NW, NE) shown on the map as 3 green circles. You can do them in any order. After doing any one of them, you can begin your quest to getting a Roller Beetle mount!


Prepare for the showdown with Joko.

Southwest area of the map. Help the Corsairs.

Guns, Germs, and Steal

Assist the villagers in the Arkjok Farmlands with their scarab problem.

Northwest area of the map. Help the Elonians.

A New Ally

Completed A New Ally.

Northeast area of the map. Help the Hyleks.

Captive Audience (1AP)

Listen to all of Joko's taunts.

You need to get all the taunt dialogues out of Joko. To do this, make sure you hit all the laser traps and trigger Joko's dialogues whenever you fail. This achievement must be done separately from the next one.

Dexterous and Flexible (3AP)

Avoid every laser trap in the Moon Fortress.

Keep using your special skill on cooldown to be able to see the laser traps. Make sure you run into all the laser traps and trigger Joko's dialogues whenever you fail. The important thing here is to get all the possible dialogues out of Joko.

  • First hallway

    • Run into the traps until he stops taunting.

  • Second hallway

    • There are fire traps, ice traps and laser traps. Joko has different taunts for each. Make sure you run into each type of trap several times until he's out of taunts.

Whistling in the Dark (1AP)

Successfully defend Canach while he arms the bomb in under six minutes.

Kill all the Awakened that spawns. Pretty easy. Can be done while you're doing the story first time.

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