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Ynys Guardian Ring

Ynys Guardian Ring has similar stats as the Dream Ring but with healing. These are the quests involved in obtaining the Ynys Guardian Ring.


Important: Remember to do the daily Dungeon quests for Abyssal Crystals. You will need them later on in the questline.


Starting the Quest

The last boss in any Greater Dungeon drops an item called Stone Orb. It will drop for everyone in the party. Double click on it to begin the questline!



1. The Strange Stone

1. The Strange Stone

Report to Archaeologist Burnar on Freedich Isle.


2. A Fellow Collector

After talking to Archaeologist Burnar, he will send you to Exeloch to talk to Apprentice Rudal.

2. A Fellow Collector

3. Rudal's Favor

Rudal will then send you to Diamond Shores to talk to Drillmaster Raysen.



3. Rudal's Favor

4. Consulting an Expert

Drillmaster Raysen will then send you to Nuimari to speak to Archaeologist Hermas and receive The Kidella Ring Manuscript.


You will not get any further quests until you craft a book called The Kidella Ring.

Go to a Printing Press and craft the book. You will need 25 labor points, 10 paper, 1 Memory Ink and 5 Leather to craft it.

Put the book down in your house then interact with it. This will open up the next quest.



4. Consulting an Expert

5. The Stuff of Legends

After interacting with the book, you will need to talk to Apprentice Rudal in Exeloch again.



5. The Stuff of Legends

6. The Ringbearer

Apprentice Rudal will send you to Asaji in Veroe, Hasla. Take the elevator to the top of the building.



Asaji will send you to Kroloal Cradle in Rookborne Basin to rescue Princess Surya. She is in the last boss room.



7. A Dangerous Curse

Simply report to Apprentice Rudar in Exeloch again and receive the Arcane Ynys Guardian Ring.




8. Restoring the Ring

Apprentice Rudar will send you back to Archaeologist Hermas in Nuimari. He will then send you to Diamond Shores to speak to Belstrom.



9. A Purifying Spell

Collect the following items:

  • 160 Starlight Archeum Crystals

    • Obtained from salvaging accessories.​

  • 100 Abyssal Crystals​

​Return to Belstrom in Diamond Shores.



8 Restoring the Ring
7. A Dangerous Curse
6. The Ringbearer
10. Rudal's Reward

10. Rudal's Reward

Belstrom will send you to Apprentice Rudal in Exeloch. You will receive a Ynys Isle Gemstone.

Right click on it in your inventory to fuse it with the Ynys Guardian Ring. You will receive the Unique Holy Ynys Guardian Ring.



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