There are a number of ways to obtain cloaks:
Quest Cloaks - From doing green quests
Haunted Chest - Drops from Auroria mobs
Guild Cloaks - From Prestige Shop
Guild Cloaks
Getting an Epherium Cloak
Obtain 150 Prestige by completing Guild Missions.
Buy an Epherium Cloak that suits your class, from the Prestige Shop.
Go to Diamond Shores to farm for Synthesis Shards. You can also go to Auroria and farm the orange mobs eg. Nuimari Stags, Marcala Ants.
Upgrade the cloak as you farm for Synthesis Shards until you get a Divine Epherium Cloak.

Upgrading Epherium to Delphinad
Look for a Proven Warrior Workbench. There is one in the Hero Hall in Austera/Marianople. Search for Epherium Cloak Awakening Scroll. Get the materials.
6 Honorforged Medals (2000 honor each) + 3 Moonlight Archeum Crystals (from salvaging armor) -
Craft the Epherium Cloak Awakening Scroll.
Right click on the Awakening Scroll, then your cloak. There is a chance to fail the awakening. However, every time you fail, you get a 5% added bonus to your next try.
Keep farming for Synthesis Shards until your cloak becomes Epic!
Upgrading Delphinad to Ayanad
Upgrade your Delphinad Cloak to Epic. You only need to get it to Epic. No need to get it to 100% Epic.
12 Honorforged Medals (2000 honor each) + 6 Moonlight Archeum Crystals (from salvaging armor) -
Craft the Delphinad Cloak Awakening Scroll.
Right click on the Awakening Scroll, then your cloak. There is a chance to fail the awakening. However, every time you fail, you get a 5% added bonus to your next try.
Keep farming for Synthesis Shards!
Upgrading Ayanad to Erenor
Get the materials.
- Cloaked Ayanad Cloak
- 50 Honorforged Medals (2000 honor each)
- 10 Moonlight Archeum Essence (from salvaging armor)
- 2 Blazing Cloudspun Fabric
- Ipnysh Moonlight Blessing (4 Acidic Poison Pouch + 4 Cursed Armor Piece + 50 Dragon Essence Stabilizer) -
Craft a Transmuter
- 4 Sturdy Ingots
- 20 Earthmana Leaves -
Transmute your existing Ayanad Cloak with the transmuter. This should be the last thing that you do.
Craft the Cloaked Erenor Cloak at a Proven Warrior Workbench; found in your Hero Hall.