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Ayanad Earring

These are the quests involved in obtaining the Ayanad Earring.

Important: Remember to do the daily NPC quest and daily kill quests on each floor. Completion of these quests will give you Ayanad Wizard’s Tokens. You will need these tokens later on in the questline.

3.0 Update!
The library bosses no longer drop single Ayanad Council

Manaprint or Ayanad Senior Council Manaprint that only one

person in the raid can get.
Instead they drop Manaprint Shards that everyone in the raid

gets and will have to collect and combine to make a single

manaprint eg. Floor 2 library bosses give 7 Manaprint Shards

and floor 3 library bosses give 9 Manaprint Shards.

50 Manaprint Shards combine to make 1 Ayanad Council Manaprint.

ArcheAge Ayanad Earring Quests
ArcheAge - Part 1: Lost Ayanad Earring

ArcheAge - Part 1: Lost Ayanad Earring

Play Video
ArcheAge - Part 2: Solemn Ayanad Earring

ArcheAge - Part 2: Solemn Ayanad Earring

Play Video
ArcheAge - Part 3: Gleaming Ayanad Earring

ArcheAge - Part 3: Gleaming Ayanad Earring

Play Video
ArcheAge - Stena's Bookshelf

ArcheAge - Stena's Bookshelf

Play Video

Part 1: Lost Ayanad Earring

  1. Orb of Secrets

  2. Special Collection

  3. Aranzeb's Student

  4. Orb's Identity


Part 2: Solemn Ayanad Earring

  5. Bound

  6. Stena's Spellbook

  7. Gildaron's Heart

  8. Freeing Slevin

Part 3: Gleaming Ayanad Earring

  9. A Speedy Recovery

10. The Ghostly Mage

11. An End to the Bloodshed

12. Disarming the Library

Part 4: Brilliant Ayanad Earring

13. Captive Souls

14. Nui's Breath

15. A Potent Spell

16. Magic and Manaprints

17. Into the Light

Part 5: Great Ayanad Earring

18. Puzzles and Paintings

19. The Price of Power

20. The Frost Guardian

21. Final Touches

22. The Heart of Ayanad

23. A Hero's Reward

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1. Orb of Secrets

Queue for the Abyssal Library instance by going up to the entrance and selecting the 2nd portal option.
The first time you kill him the first boss, Abyssal Wynn, he will drop an item for everyone in your party called Unknown Orb. Click on the orb to begin a quest, Orb of Secrets.

Simply talk to Lemian on the Floor 1 Lobby of the Library, Introspect Path. He will lead you to the next quest.

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2. Special Collection

Lemian will send you to Floor 1 of the Library to look for 3 items. They are located in the rooms below.

Part 1 – A6
Part 2 – H6
Part 3 – F4

You will need to go to these rooms and click on the book on the floor that will teleport you up. Look around for the item. It should be glowing for you.

After collecting all 3 parts, talk to Lemian again.

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3. Aranzeb’s Student

Lemian will then send you to meet Belstrom. He is located north of the Library.

4. Orb’s Identity

Belstrom will ask you to bring him 30 Ayanad Wizard’s Tokens. Hopefully, you have enough of these on you already from doing library dailies.

Simply talk to Belstrom again to get your Rare Lost Ayanad Earring.

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5. Bound

After talking to Belstrom, go back to Library Floor 1, room A6. Teleport up via the book on the ground and go to the secret door in front of the glowing book.


Remember to equip your Lost Ayanad Earring from this point on!

6. Stena’s Spellbook

After talking to Belstrom, go back to Library Floor 1, room H6. Teleport up via the book on the ground and go to the secret door. In this room, there is a giant bookcase called Stena’s Bookshelf. You will need a party to defeat this boss.

Talk to Belstrom after you obtain the item.

7. Gildaron’s Heart

Go back to Library Floor 1, room F4. Teleport up via the book on the ground and go to the secret door. In this room, there is a big dog called Gildaron the Disobedient. You will need a party to defeat this boss.

Talk to Belstrom after you obtain the item.

8. Freeing Slevin

Go to Slevin in Floor 1, A6. He will ask you to collect 3 Ayanad Senior Council Manaprints from any of the library dungeon bosses; Recordkeeper Wynn,

Halnaak or Alexander.

After that, talk to Belstrom again for the Arcane Solemn Ayanad Earring.

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9. A Speedy Recovery

Go to Slevin in Floor 1, A6. He will ask you to collect 3 Ayanad Senior Council Manaprints from any of the library dungeon bosses; Recordkeeper Wynn, Halnaak or Alexander.

After obtaining the manaprints, return to Slevin.

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10. The Ghostly Mage

Slevin will send you to Floor 2 of the Library. Talk to Mage Miller’s Spirit in the Inkcalm Chamber (G8).

11. An End to the Bloodshed

Mage Miller’s Spirit will ask you to collect the following:

  • Secret Garden Soulstone - Guardian Golem - Floor 2, A7 

  • Secret Study Soulstone - Halnaak’s Secret Study Guard - Floor 2, F1 

  • 10 Ayanad Council Manaprints

    • Kaylin the Rimewriter - Floor 1 

    • Stena the Vile - Floor 1 

    • Runert the Titan - Floor 2 

    • Study Page Ecktom - Floor 2

    • Captain Jergant - Floor 3 

    • Head Librarian Tinnereph - Floor 3 

    • Fifth Stage Chest - Corner Reading Room 

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12. Disarming the Library

Combine the following:

  • Tri-Dimensional Magic Scroll (given to you by NPC when you obtain this quest),

  • a Solemn Ayanad Earring and

  • 30 Ayanad Wizard’s Tokens to make an Anima Cube.


After making the Anima Cube, you have to obtain 1500 Anima Fragments. Follow these steps to obtain them.

  • Go to Floor 3 and look for Ayanad Guard Mage or Librarian Mage. Pls refer to this document for specific locations.

  • Target the mage and right click on the Anima Cube. As you are channelling, you will get the Anima Fragments.

  • You get 5 Anima Fragments per channel. The mob will aggro to you after you are done channelling, but you can reset it by running out of the room.

  • The Anima Cube cannot be used in combat.

When you are done, return to Mage Miller’s Spirit in the Inkcalm Chamber on the second floor of G8 for your Heroic Gleaming Ayanad Earring.

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13. Captive Souls

Talk to Belstrom in Diamond Shores to begin this quest.

Talk to Gatekeeper Priest Marquad on Ynys Isle. Chat with Gatekeeper Priest Marquad.



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14. Nui’s Breath

Collect Nui’s Breath from Gatekeeper Priest Marquad. Deliver the Nui’s Breath to Belstrom in Diamond Shores.


15. A Potent Spell

Belstrom will give you a Magic Conversion Scroll. Combine the following to make a Blessed Spellstone.

  • 60 Ayanad Wizard’s Tokens - Complete Library Dailies  

  • 10 Ayanad Owl Rubellites

    • Gildaron the Disobedient - Floor 1, F4

    • Stena’s Bookshelf - Floor 1, H6

  • 10 Ayanad Owl Topazes

    • Guardian Golem - Floor 2, A7 

    • Halnaak’s Secret Study Guard - Floor 2, F1 

  • 10 Ayanad Owl Aquamarines

    • Screaming Archives Secret Study Guard - Floor 3, G6 

    •  Tinnereph’s Secret Study Guard - Floor 3, C6

Return to Belstrom in Diamond Shores.

16. Magic and Manaprints

Collect the following items:

  • 20 Ayanad Senior Council Manaprint

    • Recordkeeper Wynn

    • Halnaak  

    • Alexander  

  • 20 Ayanad Council Manaprints

    • Kaylin the Rimewriter - Floor 1 

    • Stena the Vile - Floor 1 

    • Runert the Titan - Floor 2 

    • Study Page Ecktom - Floor 2 

    • Captain Jergant - Floor 3 

    • Head Librarian Tinnereph - Floor 3 

    • Fifth Stage Chest - Corner Reading Room 

  • 20 Ayanad Anima 

    • Combine 15 Nayah Crystal Shard to get 1 Nayah Crystal. Click on it to get a quest. 

    • Complete the quest to get 1 Ayanad Anima. You can do this quest once a day. 

Return to Belstrom.

17. Into the Light

Collect Hereafter Lodestone and deliver it to Mage Miller’s Spirit in Floor 2, G8. Then talk to Slevin at Floor 1 A6 for your Unique Brilliant Ayanad Earring.

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18. Puzzles and Paintings

Combine all 3 paintings to get Denistrio’s Sealbreaker Scroll.
If another player has completed this step of the questline and has his scroll placed in a public house, you can simply interact with the scroll to complete this step. Return to Slevin at Floor 1 A6.


19. The Price of Power

Collect the following items:

  • 100 Ayanad Wizard’s Tokens

    • Completing Library Dailies  

  • 10 Ayanad Owl Rubellites

    • Gildaron the Disobedient - Floor 1, F4 

    • Stena’s Bookshelf - Floor 1, H6 

  • 10 Ayanad Owl Topazes

    • Guardian Golem - Floor 2, A7 

    • Halnaak’s Secret Study Guard - Floor 2, F1 

  • 10 Ayanad Owl Aquamarines

    • Screaming Archives Secret Study Guard - Floor 3, G6 

    • Tinnereph’s Secret Study Guard -Floor 3, C6 

  • 1 Ayanad Opal

    • Obtained by completing the quest The Light of Glory 

    • Click on quest name for details. 

20. The Frost Guardian

Talk to Slevin in Floor 1 A6.
Collect Denistrios’s Damaged Staff at Floor 3 E2.
Return to Slevin.

21. Final Touches

Collect the following items:

  • 100 Ayanad Wizard’s Tokens

    • Completing Library Dailies  

  • 10 Ayanad Senior Council Manaprint

    • Recordkeeper Wynn

    • Halnaak

    • Alexander

  • 10 Ayanad Council Manaprint

    • Kaylin the Rimewriter - Floor 1 

    • Stena the Vile - Floor 1 

    • Runert the Titan - Floor 2 

    • Study Page Ecktom - Floor 2 

    • Captain Jergant - Floor 3 

    • Head Librarian Tinnereph - Floor 3 

    • Fifth Stage Chest Corner Reading Room 

  • 10 Ayanad Anima

    • Combine 15 Nayah Crystal Shard to get 1 Nayah Crystal. Click on it to get a quest.  Complete the quest to get 1 Ayanad Anima. You can do this quest once a day. 

  • 4 Archemage’s Manastone

    • Complete Ayanad Library Bounty 10, First Floor Bounty 10, Second Floor Bounty 10 or Third Floor Bounty 10.

    • NOTE: After patch 2.9, you can purchase the manastone from the Evening Botanica

Return to Slevin in Heart of Ayanad, top floor lobby.

22. The Heart of Ayanad

Kill the Heart of Ayanad Golem located at the top floor of the library, beside Alexander‘s instance entrance.
Collect the Heart of Ayanad Manacore.
One person in your party will need to have the Unique Ayanad Earring.
Talk to Slevin who is not at the entrance of the Heart of Ayanad.


23. A Hero’s Reward

Collect the following items:

  • 10 Ayanad Senior Council Manaprint

    • Recordkeeper Wynn

    • Halnaak

    • Alexander

  • 10 Ayanad Council Manaprint

    • Kaylin the Rimewriter - Floor 1 

    • Stena the Vile - Floor 1 

    • Runert the Titan - Floor 2 

    • Study Page Ecktom - Floor 2 

    • Captain Jergant - Floor 3

    • Head Librarian Tinnereph - Floor 3

    • Fifth Stage Chest - Corner Reading Room 

  • 10 Ayanad Anima

    • Combine 15 Nayah Crystal Shard to get 1 Nayah Crystal. Click on it to get a quest.

    • Complete the quest to get 1 Ayanad Anima. You can do this quest once a day. 

  • 50 Large Jewelry Mana Wisps   

  • Heart of Ayanad Manacore  

Combine all of the above with the Ayanad Heartstone given by Slevin to create a Glowing Ayanad Heartstone.
Talk to Slevin again for your Celestial Great Ayanad Earring.


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